Descendants Is Out Now On DVD!The day has finally arrived! Descendants is now available Disney DVD! My kids and I have been SO excited to see this …
Helping Avoid Germs With PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer #PURELL30 #PURELLChallenge #Ad
PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer is spearheading a movement at Target that encourages families to use PURELL every day for 30 days. #PURELL30 #PURELLChallenge #Ad
Febreze Air Purifier Getting Rid of Household Odors #KeepItFresh #ad
I was given the chance to test out the Febreze Air Purifier… This small device is a life savor when it comes to household odor reduction.
Getting Ready For BTS With Wet Ones & Goldfish Crackers #sponsored #ad
If there are 2 things that are constant about my kids, they are these: 1. they love Goldfish Crackers, and 2. they always seem to have messy hands!
Rock Out With The Insignia Bluetooth Speakers! #Insignia @BestBuy #ad
With Insignia Bluetooth Speakers I can take my music anywhere I go and still get great quality sound.
Check Out These Back to School products from SanDisk! #SanDisk @BestBuy @SanDisk #ad
SanDisk! School is about to be back in session! And you know what that means right? It’s time to take the kids Back to School shopping!
Adventure Time The Complete Fifth Season In Stores!
The complete 5th season of Adventure Time is now available on Bluray! Adventure Time is one of cartoon networks most watched TV series and is quite hilarious (just ask my kids!).
PureGuardianSPA210: Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Oil Diffuser Review
One of my favorite ways to use essential oils is with an aromatherapy oil diffuser! Aromatherapy Oil Diffusers are easy to use and can really help get the oils into the air and into your system in a safe way.
.@Bounty #Furgiveness Twitter Party August 17th 1-2 pm EST
Bounty is hosting a #Furgiveness Twitter Party on August 17th to help you discover and appreciate new ways to forgive your pets faster. So come celebrate with America’s #QuickerPickerUpper, pet experts, and pet parents nationwide – it’s sure to be a blast! RSVP for a chance to win Visa gift cards with prizes up to $100.*
Keeping Up Summer Reading With! #LoveThriftBooks #CleverGirls @ThriftBooksUSA
I always let the kids pick out some summer reading books of their choosing. has made picking out our summer reading books that much easier!
Iced Coffee Breakfast Smoothie made with Gevalia Iced Coffee with Almond Milk #GevaliaIcedCoffee #IC (ad)
Check out the new Gevalia Iced Coffee made with Almond Milk and find out how I used it to make an Iced Coffee Breakfast Smoothie! So good!!
Giveaway – 3 months of access to Potty Power Academy #PottyTraining #PottyLearning @PottyPowerAcad
Potty Power Academy is one of our brands in our Summer & BTS product guide. When you’re done entering this giveaway, head over to the product guide and chec
How Did You Name Your Dog? #IamsCG @IAMS #ad
How Did You Name Your Dog? Our Golden Retriever’s name is Lily. We also have a PomChi named Rosie. Both animals were given their names by our kids.
No More Texting and Driving with the LG G4 Sprint Phone #SprintMom #IC (ad)
What is important to you when it comes to a smart phone? I’m all about a great camera, ease of use, and durability. The LG G4 has all of that and more!