We made it. The long awaited release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It’s now in theaters so go see it!!
If you’ve been following along, I was invited out by Disney to attend a pre-release showing of CA:The Winter Soldier and got to interview some of the amazing cast, Producer and Directors. You can catch up on all posts and interviews under my Disney tab.
I can not wait to go see it again with my husband. We’re going to see it tonight. I’m so relieved that I will not have to try to keep spoilers from him anymore. I slipped up last night while watching Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I blurted something out and immediately realized that I just gave out a spoiler. GAH! I felt bad. But that’s all over tonight when my husband will see the movie.
Now, I don’t want to slip up and give away any spoilers for you so I’ve come up with my Top 5 Reasons to go see CA:TWS! Maybe you don’t need any incentive but in case you do…here we go!
Top 5 Reasons To Go See CA:The Winter Soldier
1. Black Widow playing match maker. Ok, really Black Widow in the movie by herself is enough to go see it. She is awesome and I think is a fabulous female super hero. In CA:The Winter Soldier, we get to find out a bit more about Natasha and thus this match maker side of her. I love how she has a bigger role in the movie and as always, Scarlett Johansson does an amazing job.
2. Introduction of Falcon. I really enjoyed getting to see Falcon in CA:The Winter Soldier and can’t wait to see more of him in upcoming films. I might also be a bit biased because I really like Anthony Mackie who plays Falcon. I’ll be publishing our interview with him soon so you’ll see why I think he’s so awesome!
3. Captain America enhanced fighting styles. In the first Captain America and even Avengers, Steve is a great fighter but doesn’t really get to show off what all he can do. Steve has been training and with his abilities, he’s even more so a force to be reckoned with. We definitely get to see this in the movie which means way more action!
4. Introduction of The Winter Soldier. This is probably a given but still deserves a shout out. We’ve got a whole new type of ‘bad guy’ in The Winter Soldier. No spoilers but just know that The Winter Soldier story line is pretty awesome!
5. An amazing plot/story line. Buuut I can’t really say more without risking spoilers!
CA:The Winter Soldier does not disappoint. Go see it and then come back and let me know what you thought. Oh and make sure you stay through ALL of the credits. There’s 2 extra scenes.
If you need just a little bit more…check out these awesome clips and featurettes.
I loved the storyline!!! Such a great, great film. Thanks for putting up with me the first time we saw the movie. I’m sure I drove you crazy with my oohs, aahhs, and gasps! 😉
I am dying to see this! Date night soon!
Those are 5 great reasons. I can sum it all up in 1 big reason though: IT\’S SOOOOO AWESOME!!!! 🙂
YES! I agree, it totally could have summed up with just 1 reason. 🙂