Getting a dog is a big responsibility and it’s not a decision that you should rush into. But if you are sure that you’re ready and you are prepared with supplies for a new puppy, a furry friend can bring so much joy into your life.
The first step on your journey as a dog owner is to choose the right puppy. It’s important to consider your own lifestyle and the temperament of the dog, so you can find the right fit. Once you have chosen your new puppy, the countdown begins, and very soon, they’ll be moving in.

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Before you pick your puppy up, you need to be prepared. Check out this helpful checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything.
Essential Puppy Supplies
Before your puppy arrives, you need to go on a shopping trip and pick up these essential supplies.
A Bed
Your new puppy needs a comfortable bed to sleep on. If you don’t get them their own bed from the beginning, they’ll get into bad habits like sleeping on the sofa or the end of your bed. Take a look at this calming dog bed review to get an idea of what you should buy. A calming bed is so important because your new puppy will be in a scary new environment, and that can be very distressing for them.
A Crate
Crating is an essential part of your puppy’s training routine. The crate serves as a safe space for your dog and also protects your home while you are training them. When you begin crate training, your puppy should only be left in there for a few hours at a time. Eventually, you can move them on to a single room instead of the crate, and then let them out into the house when they are ready. Make sure that you get a spacious crate so you can make it comfortable for them.
Food and Water
Your dog needs to eat and drink, so you’ll need some bowls and some food. Stainless steel bowls are best because plastic ones tend to trap odors and they’re harder to clean, so bacteria is more likely to build up. When it comes to buying food, it’s often best to avoid the big brands. Check the label and make sure the food is suitable for puppies and always try to go for food with simple, natural ingredients.
Grooming Items
Grooming is important to your dog’s health, so get everything ready beforehand. Buy some toothpaste and a toothbrush for your dog and some brushes and combs. If you ask your vet, they’ll tell you which brushes are best for your dog’s coat. You’ll also need some nail clippers and some flea and tick treatments, which you can get from the vet. If you start grooming them regularly from a young age, they get used to it and they won’t kick up a fuss.
The first few days can be difficult for your new puppy but as long as you get everything ready beforehand, you can create a welcoming environment for them.