Wow, what a whirlwind adventure. Getting to join Disney for this press trip was certainly amazing! Captain America has made over $101 million in it’s first 4 days in theatres. Such an amazing turn out by Marvel fans and non-fans a like. And I’m guessing that if you weren’t a fan before, you are now.
Have you seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier yet? If not, you really should take the family.
Now, on to our last interview in our CA: The Winter Soldier series. Last but certainly not least, Sebastian Stan.
Sebastian Stan plays The Winter Soldier. I love it when you meet an actor and they are completely different from the character they play. Sebastian fully immerses himself in the role and if I wasn’t aware that he was The Winter Soldier, I would have had no clue.
It was great to be able to interview him and get some of his insights on The Winter Soldier.
Take a look at a few of the highlights I’ve chosen to share from the interview.
Sebastian Stan Insights on The Winter Soldier
Q : What was your reaction when you found out that you were coming back as a soldier?
SEBASTIAN : I was just saying I always played that moment in my head over and over again and that when I was gunna get that phone call no matter where I was at the time I was probably thinking I was gunna be somewhere in New York you know on a crowded street regardless I was gunna scream and I was just gunna have this big reaction. And it’s actually the opposite. I just sort of was quiet and still and was trying to replay the conversation in my head and was just really excited. I mean for me it’d really been two years of sort of not knowing what was gunna happen next.
Q : So was it difficult to change form from Bucky into The Winter Soldier?
SEBASTIAN : Well, yes and no. I would say no in the sense that everything is so spelled out for me in the comic books that I sort of feel like I have that to follow as a guide. Yes in that certain things from comic books often—don’t—they’re not so easily translated to the screen, and so there were things visually that were new that we had to discover about the character. I mean in the comic books there was a lot of information but in terms of how the winter soldier moved, how he behaved, what his presence was like on screen, those were all things I had to sort of discover once I was in the outfit and we were actually shooting the movie. And that was more difficult I suppose. At the end of the day the most difficult part was playing someone that’s very different while at the same time the same person.
Q : Talking about the outfit, the training for your part and then working with your metal arm in the movie, was that difficult at all?
SEBASTIAN : Yes the training is really hard for me I mean I was never really used to that type of training before. Some of the diet and the working out that was happening six months before we started shooting was really difficult at times. And then you’re learning to fight it’s basically just like going to dance class. I mean with the person and the thing is you just have to have patience, and it’s really hard, you might get it quickly and you’re excited, you see the stunt guys are just, phenomenal and you just wanna jump in and do it but the whole thing has to be so planned out and detailed, and you can’t have a lot of room for errors because people can get hurt. So, just practicing that and repeating that everyday for about two to three months I’d say was hard, but the results were always very gratifying.
Q : How do you mentally prepare for a roll like this in terms of playing someone who doesn’t even know who they are?
SEBASTIAN : Well, it’s funny the way things happen in life. Sometimes when you pay attention to certain things that happen in life. I just don’t wanna get too down here or anything but my stepdad was actually recently been dealing with Alzheimer’s, and he’s been going through that for at least the last two years. And so it was
interesting because while that sort of process was very painful as an observer, I kind of—that was one of the things that I found to be very helpful for me to kind of observe as somebody going through Alzheimer’s. What their behavior is like and the way – because even though they don’t know certain things anymore, who they are per say, there is still that struggle within them to wanna try and kind of know things. They respond to certain uh things they see or sounds that they see, a song or something kinda triggers a memory, and so it’s a very weird internal battle. And I mean I allowed – I watched him a lot for sort of some references and I just I don’t know. Some of the things of how I was gunna sort of translate that on the screen I didn’t really know until we were doing literally when we were on set. But there is actually a lot of material out there to kinda work off of, there are people like that.Q : What is your favorite scene to see on the big screen?
SEBASTIAN : I just thought this movie was so different in terms of just, it felt just so much more realistic in our world than some of the other movies in my opinion. I enjoyed the other movies just as much, but I think any of the car chases are really great I felt, that was pretty cool. That whole sequence with Nick Fury, the one with the Winter Soldier also, those were great sequences.
Q : When you were first cast as Bucky in the first movie, you hadn’t read any comics before then you started reading them. So did you know that Bucky would come back to like as a winter soldier later? Or did you think he was dead?
SEBASTIAN : Well I didn’t because I hadn’t read anything, and there was no script for Captain America when I was auditioning for Steve Rodgers, not Bucky. Actually all I really had was a scene between Steve Rodgers and Bucky and I was auditioning for Steve Rodgers. So I obviously looked up things about Steve Rodgers but I never looked up anything about Bucky and then I didn’t get that and then you know I sort of thought that was that. And I actually on purpose didn’t wanna read any of the comic books or anything going into the audition process because I wanted to sort of just have a fresh perspective. But then when I talked to them about Bucky after that, then they educated me on the story.
Q : How did you just like mentally prepare as you get into character? Is it like a do you put on the costume and you’re ready to go or is there…??
SEBASTIAN : In this case, I feel like it always depends, in this case the costume was a very big thing, also I just to myself looked very different and that helped me a lot because it felt like I didn’t recognize myself looking in a mirror honestly, with the mask and the hair and everything I just thought you know it kinda gave me confidence to sort of embrace that and now rely on things that I had been used to doing. I think for me it’s I realize it’s important to look different sometimes, you have to change it up.
There it is. The last of the interviews! If you haven’t read my other interviews, you can catch up under my Disney Category. It’s bene awesome getting to share everything!
Now go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier!! 🙂
How much fun was that to be able to interview a real actor? And his interview was more laid back; I really liked that!