I spent a lot of time in the car so far today and the day is not yet over. I have still got more driving yet to do tonight. Whew, it’s just been one of those days.
While spending all of this time driving, I got to thinking. I started listing off all of the things that others do that tick me off while driving. Then I thought, I could make a post out of this.
Then I thought, there’s so many things that come to mind that I could make a darn series out of it!!
First up in my Road Rage Series is “The Wave.”
That could mean a lot of things, right?
Here are “The Waves” that I find completely acceptable:
1. When I reach an intersection and I wave to another person giving them the option to go. “Hey, buddy.. why don’t you go ahead.”
2. Waving at the person that just gave you the option to go. “Aw, how kind of you. Thanks!”
3. “Hey, how are ya? Nice to see you” wave.
4. “Oh my bad.. I messed up. So sorry, please forgive me” wave.
Now on the other hand, lately I’ve seen a whole lot more of “The Excuse Wave.”
Let me give you an example.
My oldest is days away from taking his driving test. Yep.. I know it’s unbelievable but I have a 16 year old. Crazy right?! Anyway, he had to work today so I let him drive there. He’s a good driver and at this point, I don’t have to do much of any correction.
We get all the way to his work without incident. Then, as we’re pulling into the parking lot, I see a lady walking from the gas station over to Fazolis. Side note: My son works at McDonald’s and all 3 businesses are in the same area.
I had just complimented Dylan on making a good turn and avoiding the cars coming the other way. I then say, “Watch out for that lady, she doesn’t seem to be paying any attention.” There was a lady who was nonchalantly walking through this very busy parking lot, chewing on whatever she just bought from the gas station.
Sure enough, Dylan has to immediately stop to avoid hitting her. This lady, could have been hit. She’s not at all paying attention. And when she finally sees that we have had to stop for her, she just gives us this wave. A wave that’s way more of a brush off. Like, “oh hey, yea.. I’m an idiot but whatever… I guess, thanks for stopping for me.”
Now, mind you, I do realize that pedestrians have the right away and no, I wouldn’t want to hit her just because she’s being stupid. There wasn’t a cross walk and she was just randomly walking across the parking lot, taking her chances that oncoming cars would see her and stop.
Maybe she thought she was super woman? Maybe she had an invisible force field around her protecting her? Yea, probably not. My guess is that she just wasn’t thinking.
At the end of the day, it won’t matter if you have the right of way just because you’re a pedestrian. If you get hit by a car, dead is dead. Oh and The Wave you gave us and your stupidity is one of the reasons for my road rage. So let me give you a wave to say, thank you! *insert sarcastic eye roll here*
I have seen so much of this lately… from the lady above to the lady chatting away on her cell phone not at all paying attention to the road. I’m honestly shocked that there aren’t a whole lot more accidents. But don’t worry.. the wave excuses all bad behavior.
Have you witnessed “The Wave” recently?
I’m always tempted to wave back. With only one finger.
hahahahaha 😀