The photo was taken by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay
Sometimes it is so hard to turn off the brain. When you are a mom, there are constant thoughts, messages and memories rushing through that seem to create such a noise that we can’t settle ourselves. In the most quiet parts of our day, the mind just keeps spinning and spinning. Kids have appointments, you need to tend to your spouse, and you have to somehow make time for yourself. There are ways to quiet the mind and keep yourself in top shape so you can be there for your family and yourself.
Some of the ways are already known to just about everyone, but there are also a few alternatives that are up and coming and may be exactly what you need to try if the most popular methods don’t work for you.
Here is a list of mind easing ways you can try to quiet your mind and find some inner peace today.
Let’s start with the most obvious: yoga. Yoga has been around for centuries and has been proven to not only strengthen your body, but strengthen your mind as well. Yoga has you focus so hard on what you are doing while you are making your poses, that your mind becomes present and concentrates on the task at hand. As you bring your mind and body together, the other thoughts seem to slip from your mind and you will find pockets of quiet and peace.
Meditation has been around just as long as yoga. Meditation is like yoga without physicality. Many people think meditation is about having a free and clear mind, and since that is hard to accomplish, a lot of people steer clear of the practice. What most people don’t know is that meditation is about facing those thoughts and negotiating them in a way that they disappear on their own. In meditation, you allow those thoughts to all race through your mind while you are not distracted by outside forces. For a lot of people, they are able to recognize and acknowledge their thoughts, and once that happens those thoughts slip away and the mind is quiet and still.
There are other alternatives than yoga and meditation and kava is one of them. A South Pacific plant, kava helps the mind and the body relax in an organic and healthy way. Kava is nature’s stress reducer and by taking the plant in any form that suits your needs, you will soon start to feel relaxed and able to quiet your mind and rest your body.
Exercise is a great way to quiet your mind as you will be focusing on the workout at hand. Many long distance runners say that while they are out on the track or running through an outdoor course, their time is best spent clearing their mind and focusing on their bodies. The workout alone helps to strengthen the mind with physical activity, but it also gives you time to sort through your thoughts. When the workout is over, your body will need to rest and with your mind having been quieted, you rest your body and your whole being will be still and silent.
Go to the Spa
This seems like a luxury, but in reality, going to a spa is great for your mind and body. To begin with, the spa sets a vibe where everything is serene and quiet. That right away helps to ease your body and your brain. Walking around in a robe and sandals also strips you of the burdens of your daily life, and in most spas, cell phones are not allowed, so there will be no need for distractions.
While at the spa get a massage. We tend to hold a lot of tension in our muscles, and when that tension is massaged out, our worries seem to melt with it. Massages are a great way to release a lot of physical tension, which will make you feel euphoric. The euphoria will cause your mind to clear and relax, taking away your obsessive thoughts and allowing your head to become quiet.
Some of these ways of relaxing may seem new to you while others you may have tried and it didn’t work. Each one has been proven to provide some relief from overactive brains, and each one is worth a shot. We seem to fall short on our self-care, so don’t feel any of these items are a luxury. You and your health are worth it.