Disclosure: I received these cute sock monkeys from Planet Sock Monkey for review purposes only. All opinions are my own.
Do you all remember the odd looking sock monkeys from back in the day? Well maybe they weren’t odd to everyone. They were a bit different and yet so iconic! I had one…did you??
Now the sock monkey has been transformed into a super cute toy for today’s generation. No more taking dad’s or grandpa’s old sock…now you can grab these little guys with customized outfits and even props.
I think my favorite is Star Harmonkey. She’s the, “sweet and stylish singer with a big heart and sparkling personality.” Although I think I’m also partial to Eaton Dedd – “A very hungry, undead zombie, forever in search of something to munch on…” 😀 I’m a big fan of The Walking Dead so I do have to give a little shout out to the zombie sock monkey.
There are several to choose from. We got 4 of the Sock Monkeys to review and each one of my kids picked their favorite. Sock Monkeys are recommended for age 8 and up. Even my 14 year old wanted his own sock monkey!
Take a look at this quick video…
Planet Sock Monkey from Patch Products
Which Planet Sock Monkey is your favorite?
Aww, how cute!