Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels
As a mom, you try your best each day to keep your family safe and happy. It’s a full-time job, no doubt, and you spend endless hours caring, cooking, and cleaning, all the while maintaining a nine to five job. The point is you probably deserve a medal for everything you do to keep things from falling apart, but sometimes something happens that even you couldn’t have predicted. But, one thing you can do is prepare for a few possible situations – you know your family and what they are sensitive to, meaning you can stock up on some essential medications in order to be ready when your child gets sick at 10 o’clock at night. Oh yeah, they always get sick right before you’re prepared to go to bed, and the last thing you want to do when this happens is driving around town for medicine. That said, here are three things every mom should always have in the medicine cabinet for when these unfortunate and unplanned events happen.
Nausea medicine
There is nothing worse than feeling okay the one second and then the next, it feels like your stomach is doing cartwheels inside your body. People get nauseous all the time, and you want to be able to sort it out as quickly as possible before it’s too late and, before you know it, you have a cleanup on aisle seven type of situation on your hands. Medication like Pepto-Bismol is an effective treatment that lines the inside of your stomach and relieves discomfort associated with nausea, indigestion, and an upset stomach. The best thing about this specific medicine is that it is suitable for you and your kids twelve years old and upwards. It is also an appropriate treatment for heartburn as well, which is a common occurrence among adults. Regarding heartburn, try to refrain from using any medicine you are unfamiliar with or aren’t sure of; there have been cases in the past that led to some heartburn medications having pretty serious side effects, which is why some corporations have recalled their products from the market.
Pain Killers
Headaches, cramps, and muscle aches – these are some of the ailments that can hit your or your family after a long day and can be unnecessarily uncomfortable. Having pain killers around to lessen the discomfort can make the world’s difference and allow you to continue having a peaceful and relaxing night. Paracetamol will do the trick for kids, and for yourself and your partner, Tylenol or Advil could be useful in relieving aches and pains effectively. Some pain killers may cause drowsiness, so be sure to read the enclosed leaflet beforehand and be in a position where you can rest after taking them.
Flu Medicine
Pretty much a given every winter, the flu is frustrating and is something each and every family experiences at least once a year. Typical flu symptoms include a runny or congested nose, fever, headaches, and fatigue, which feels just as awful as it sounds. For your children, plenty of rest and lots of fluids are what’s most important, along with ibuprofen if they are older than six months.
These are just some of the over-the-counter medicine you can stock up on to be prepared for the unexpected. After all, you do so much already; having these helpful aids around might just make the workload a little easier when the going gets tough!