A lot of people get offended when the words “weight loss” are thrown around. As wonderful as the body positive movement has been, it doesn’t address the fact that there is a growing epidemic and obesity is the cause. Losing weight and making better lifestyle choices is the only way to tackle obesity. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are all associated with obesity, and we can agree that they are diseases we would rather avoid. So, how do you kick off your weight loss? Here are some ideas of how to get those pounds shifted.

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Drink more water
Drinking water is good for you in a number of ways. Weight loss is only one of them. When you drink water, especially mineral water, you hydrate your body and help it to work more efficiently. Your body also has the fluids to flush toxins and nasty stuff out through your waterworks. But, seeing as we are focused on weight loss today, drinking water instead of your usual sugar-filled soft drinks will help you cut back on the empty calories.
Keep a food diary
If there is one thing that people hate, it is seeing what they have eaten written out in front of them. There can be a real shame factor with this but it doesn’t have to be this way. By being more aware of what you are eating, you are more likely to make better decisions instead of shoving things blindly into your mouth. Keeping track of your daily intake can also ensure that you are drinking enough water, cutting down on the sweet stuff, and making smarter decisions about what you eat.
Meal replacement
Let’s face it, if you keep a food diary, there is a good chance that the meal that you put in is less than healthy. Swapping out one of your meals with some weight loss shakes can help you to reduce the number of calories that you consume throughout the day. Some people prefer to have a shake in the morning as a way to kick off their day, while others prefer to take it at night as a dinner replacement shake. When you take a shake is up to you and when you feel like your body would benefit the most.
Walk more
Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure that your body is healthy. However, most people find it hard to get the time to exercise. One of the easiest ways to increase your activity levels is to walk more. This doesn’t mean that you have to pull on your walking shoes and trek for miles, but you can do that if you want to. Walking more is about taking time in your day to stretch your legs. Even 30 minutes of being active and walking with purpose can get your heart rate going and help to shift those extra pounds.
Cut out sugar
This tip is always easier said than done but taking baby steps with this should get you moving in the right direction. One of the first things you should do is learn the different names for sugar. Yes, this sneaky sugar had several names, and once you learn what they are, they are a lot easier to spot in the list of ingredients. Making small changes with the amount of sugar that you eat can really help to shift the pounds and help keep your blood sugars in check instead of them going out of control before you crash.
Eat more veg
On the flip side of the sugar point is the veg point. When you cut down on the sugar, you will still feel the urge to snack. No one is saying that you can’t snack but you should snack on healthy options. Vegetables are the best option for snacking as they contain a lot of good stuff, including the vitamins that your body needs to create new cells and repair itself. Make sure that your snacking veg comes in a wide variety of colors and tastes to ensure that you are getting a wide selection of vitamins to help keep you healthy.
Make a meal plan
Meal planning can be the best thing ever or the worst thing in the galaxy. But, there is no denying it is great for weight loss. Having a meal plan, organizing a shopping list, and sticking to the plan. All of these actions add up to an organized kitchen that leaves no wriggle room. Having no wiggle room means that you are less likely to order a takeaway or reach for the cookie jar. Having a meal plan is not only a great way to help you lose weight, but it can also help you save money on your food shopping.
Find a fun exercise
Ok, so you have started walking and are enjoying the great outdoors. While this is wonderful, it is also good to find an exercise that you will enjoy taking part in. Dance classes are always a great idea as they are a fun way to blow off some steam. HIIT workouts have become very popular because they give amazing results if you commit to their program. However, most people struggle to keep up with them so don’t worry if it isn;t for you. Yoga is a great exercise as it promotes a mind-body connection, and being able to touch your toes is a huge bonus.
If there is one thing that we do not get enough of, it is sleep. Sleep is crucial as it allows our bodies to relax and repair itself after a long day. If we deny ourselves sleep, we can mess with our mental health and run the risk of eating more junk food during the day to ensure we stay awake. When we are tired, we crave sugar. And once we start eating sugar, we fill ourselves with empty calories that will be impossible to shift. So when you are yawning your head off, just remember, you need to sleep to help keep you healthy and slender.