Dieting is hard work. You have to spend all day every day following an eating plan that usually includes foods you just don’t like and maybe it’s stretched to the entire family and you are all doing it together to change your family diet. Sometimes you feel you’re eating things that both you and the kids don’t like and things just aren’t sitting right with you.
There is a way to get the healthy benefits of eating right, without feeling like you’re on a diet. Many diet programs claim they won’t leave you hungry or that you’ll be having cravings for the wrong foods. Often these claims are just wrong. You do feel hungry, and you are craving lots of sweet things all the time. Portion control is a big part of any diet whether you’re trying to lose weight or not and it is one of the biggest factors.
Anything that is full of fibre can make you feel fuller for longer which is good for kids. This can include almost anything that is whole grain. Rice and bread can be included in this which is great because toast on a morning is so easy and convenient, right? So switch to wholemeal bread and brown rice instead because they are full of fibre and this is great for the digestive system, in good quantities and not overpowering your bowels with fibre, that can cause unpleasant symptoms if you’re predisposed to it. If you like plain snacks like fruit or nuts, and you want a sweet treat alongside it then by all means, you could coat it in a little dark chocolate without adding much in the way of calories or fat. Staying healthy is key.
Sweeteners are often recommended when you’re on a diet program. Diet versions of your favorite fizzy drinks are a good example. But they often have that awful aftertaste. And you can’t really cook with them. If you’re looking for something a bit more flavorful, you could try alternatives like miracle berry tablets. Natural choices like this can make even the blandest of healthy choices taste better.
Convenience is a big reason why we reach for the snack bars. They’re wrapped up perfectly, and so they’re easy to carry in your bag to work. Of course, it’s possible to wrap anything you like up in sandwich bags or cling film for lunch at work but it may just take a little more time and effort. You can add all your favorite ingredients like berries and honey. Then simply cut it into portions and bring a slice into work each day.
Diets are tedious, boring, and hard work and the kids certainly don’t like it, right? Perhaps you have a child with special needs and they are finding a new diet too much. It’s not all about food, little things such as blankets, cushions and music can all be of help. If you are interested in a weighted blanket, you can read more here.