Photo by Kaboompics.com from Pexels
Did you know the winter solstice just passed? That means that we’ve had the shortest night of the year, and from here on the days will start getting longer again. Spring is on its way again! Of course, it will still take several months for the season to truly change, and in the meantime, it’s that time of year when we all hunker down, open presents, and stuff ourselves with as many mince pies as possible. If you’re off work for a decent period of time, you’ll soon find yourself with itchy fingers, especially this year when options for what to do might be limited. Now is the perfect time to engage yourself with some new crafts – and in the spirit of that, here are ten craft and art ideas that will take you all the way through the festive season, until the flowers start to bloom again!
Knitted Baubles
Knitting is an age-old, tried and tested way to relax and keep your hands busy whilst watching the latest Christmas TV. And making knitted baubles for your Christmas tree is a great way to get started. These woolen spheres are relatively simple, plus they look wonderful and cosy, and you can even make them as gifts for work colleagues and friends. Start simple, but then feel free to start experimenting with different colors and patterns. You can even upgrade from spheres to other shapes, turning your Christmas tree into a perfect celebration of all things knitted!
Painted Pots
Whilst you’re sheltering from the weather outside, one of the aspects of your home that might bring you comfort is your trusty collection of house plants. More and more people have started keeping plants, and seeing the benefit to their mental health, as well as the improvement to their interior design! Yet why settle for generic, shop-bought plant pots, when you can decorate and personalize your own? Painting plant pots is a fantastic way to bring extra personality to your home, and it’s an activity all the family can enjoy. You can paint simple things – a smiling face, perhaps, or some little flowers – or go wild and start on a panoramic landscape. It’s up to you!
Wire Wrapped Earrings
Wire crafting and wire wrapping is an ancient technique, but it has gained huge popularity in the crafting community over the last few years. It is intricate work, perfect for those days when you need a complex task to occupy your thoughts and fingers, and the results can be gorgeous. Why not sit by the fairy lights, with a cup of mulled wine, and start making yourself a pair of wire-wrapped earrings that will be the envy of all your colleagues when you see them again in January?
Homemade Candles
Aren’t candles wonderful? They can instantly add atmosphere and a sense of cosiness to any room, and once you find a scent you love, it can be heavenly. However, many shop-bought candles, particularly cheaper options, aren’t exactly the most eco-friendly creations. Luckily, you can get around this and create a fun way to pass the time by making your own instead. You can buy eco-friendly waxes and materials, then infuse them with the perfect scent for you, experimenting with different combinations until you find one you love. It’s the perfect way to spend a winter’s afternoon – but be warned, this one is addictive.
Coloring Books
Adult coloring books have seen a huge resurgence in popularity, and they are on this list for a reason. Perhaps you’d love to craft over this festive period, but you lack confidence, or you don’t think you have the energy to devote to a new skill such as wire wrapping. Luckily, this is where coloring books can come into your own. They provide an easy, mindless distraction, with beautiful results, so that anyone can enjoy their holidays with art and crafting, even if it’s not your forte the rest of the year. Think of it as an entryway that you can use to explore your love of color and art.
Clay Sculpting
Working with clay is messy and tactile – and this is what makes it the perfect New Year activity for your whole family. The final results don’t matter, this is all about covering the floor and table with newspaper, getting your hands dirty, and having fun together as you sculpt and mould your clay into a variety of shapes. Don’t be afraid to get stuck in and have some fun!
Flower Crowns
As the weather slowly turns, the signs of new spring growth will start to appear. If you have any occasions coming up (perhaps a wedding, or a birthday, or even an excuse you’ve just made up) this is the perfect time to learn how to make a flower crown. Celebrate the oncoming spring with this crafting staple that will wow your friends and family and make you feel like your very own May Queen.
Start a Weather Scarf
If you don’t know what a weather scarf is, you’re missing out. It is a scarf that you add a single line to every day of the year, choosing the colour of your thread based on the ambient temperature where you live. It’s a fantastic way to craft a record of the year, and now is the time to start prepping so that you’re reading to begin knitting on January 1st. You can choose your colors, set your parameters, and get ready for a whole year of slow crafting.
A Seasonal Wreath
Wreaths aren’t just for Christmas. As the spring approaches, why not make yourself a beautiful seasonal wreath to hang on your door, ringing in the new year with grace and aplomb? A wreath can be hugely satisfying to make, and if you get into the habit of creating one for each season, it can become a beautiful staple of your household for years to come.
Outdoor Mural
Finally, as the weather really starts to shift and you want to make the most of that brisk, warm spring air, why not think about moving your crafting and artistic practice outside? Engaging the whole family in painting an outdoor mural is a brilliant way to personalize your home forever. How about a forest scene on the garage door, or painting mementos from family holidays down the garden wall? Whatever you choose to do, this is the perfect crafting activity that will get your whole family ready for a long summer spent outdoors, enjoying your home together.
These are such great ideas, I’ve never thought about making a flower crown. That’s probably my best bet because last time I tried DIY candle making and ending up having to call for Carpet Cleaning in Jackson, WI no worries though haha maybe I’ll try again this year!