Moms are busy people; in fact, they’re some of the busiest people in the whole world. There’s a lot to take care of when you’ve got kids relying on you, no matter what age they are. And when so much of your time is taken up on the mini-mes you’ve got running around, very little time tends to be left for you.
But on top of this, many moms feel the pressure to be perfect, despite the fact that this doesn’t exist. That makes the mistakes hit all the harder, and you can be left sitting up late into night worrying about the kind of parent you are, and feel like you’re never quite on top of being the person your kids need.
That’s a worry we’re keen to tackle. Moms deserve a break from this pressure, and to have some time to fall in love with themselves again – you truly deserve to do so! As such, here are a couple things you can do as a mother to build your self esteem and confidence back up.

Photo by Daria Obymaha on Pexels
Spend Time Away From the Kids
Every mother needs to do so, and it doesn’t make you a bad mother to want to either! Get out of the house without the kids, go and meet up with your friends, and spend some quality time around other adults.
If those adults are moms too, you’ll gather together with the same understanding over what you need and why that’s so important.
This time away can also be a great reminder that you are more than just a mother, and you have other interests, skills, and talents to be proud of. Self esteem is built off of what we feel capable of, and if you get the chance to be the naturally funny and energetic person you really are, you’re going to come home feeling great.
Reframe Your Body Worries
Many moms don’t like what they see in the mirror. Making sure the kids are eating healthy and spending enough time outside is one thing, but you probably don’t apply the rules as stringently to yourself. And if you gave birth to your children, you know all too well what the postpartum period can do to your self image!
We’re not here to make a judgement – not at all. Instead, we want to say it’s key to reframe the body worries you have right now. Say you want to lose weight; you can do so by choosing a realistic fitness goal, and/or following a semaglutide online program that makes dropping a few pounds all the more manageable.
But at the same time, remember what you’ve been through to get here, and celebrate your body in every shape. Having this healthier mindset will make achieving that fitness goal a positive journey, and you won’t simply be covering up what’s really making you feel so self conscious.
Self love is important for moms. Give yourself a chance to find your own once again.