G+ Tips Setting Up Author Page and More
G+, Author Page and More – In my last Blogger Tip, I mentioned how great it would be if we could just sit down at our computer, start typing, hit publish and be a blogger. Wouldn’t that be great if that’s all that went into blogging? Unfortunately, there’s just so much more pieces to the puzzle. So much more that goes into getting readers to your site.
One big thing that would help is having Google on your side. Wouldn’t it be great if when a reader typed in a topic in the Google search box, your article or website came up the top listing! If that isn’t your goal, it really should be!
Just how do we make that happen? Well there’s plenty of things we can do and to be honest, I’m not an expert and I do not claim to be. Boy do I wish I was. π However, I can tell you some things that I’m learning along the way and try to explain to you step by step, how to implement them in Blogger’s terms.
1. Write GOOD, QUALITY content.
I’m not going to go into detail about what good, quality content is other than to give you a couple of pointers. Shoot for articles that are over 300 words, use good grammar and spelling, research the difference between “no follow” and “do follow” and implement in your posts. Lastly, figure out what your readers would like to read about and write it. Simple right? π
2. Get on Google +
If you’re not using Google +, get on it NOW! You’re missing out. No maybe G+ has not taken off like Facebook but to be honest, it doesn’t matter. Here’s why…G+ is Google! Google = Search results. Enough said, right?
3. Make sure you have a G+ page for your blog.
I’ve seen a lot of pages lately that are set up and are being used for their blogs but that are on their personal accounts. You can tell the difference because business pages have the +1 at the bottom of the image. See mine below…you want people to be able to +1 your page.
4. Start sharing your posts on your G+ page.
This is super easy to do if you have something like Hootsuite. Download the addon for Firefox or Chrome and it’s even easier. You just add your G+ profile and every time you publish a post, add it to G+. Then ask your readers to plus one those posts…get interaction going on that page.
5. Set up Author Page or Rel=Author
Take a look at this image:
This is a search that I did. I just typed in Dawn Wells. Granted it’s not a great example seeing that I share the name with the Giligan’s Island Star. π Anyway, see how my picture appears next to the post. Among other great benefits, this makes my post stand out from others that I may be competing with. See the other thing that is interesting about this example? It’s actually a link to my google plus post. It does work! π
Now…how do you set this up? This is the article that I used to set mine up: Rel=Author Step By Step Tutorial For WordPress
I did find it easy enough to set up manually so I hope that it is in easy enough Blogger’s terms for most everyone to follow. (Genesis does have an authorship box to check, very easy). However, I do see that they have made a plug in now to help out with it. I have not checked out the plug in though so I can’t say whether or not I would use that.
Since I set mine up, I did find this article that also mentions the rel=author setting. This is also good to check out because it has just a bit more code to add to your html but does not help with the rest of the set up. So also check out this article from Google Webmaster tools for the extra rel=author code to add in.
Side note: if you haven’t already set up a gravatar picture, you’ll maybe want to do that first. Then make sure that the email you used for your gravatar is the one you have listed in your user profile.
I hope this latest Blogger Tip on G+ Tips, Setting Up Author Page and More helps you out! Till next time. π
Great tips, thanks so much Dawn
Such great & helpful tips! So glad I read this!
Thanks for all the great tips. I will be putting these to good use.
Thanks for the tips! I just set up my rel=author and it was easy. Thanks!
I am guilty of being on Google+ and using my personal page to promote my blog. I’m going to change that ASAP. Thank you for this very helpful post.
This isn’t fair. You keep writing great blog posts, and if that’s not enough, you keep linking to OTHER blog posts you’ve made that now you’ve made me interested in and I’m afraid this will never stop. π
You are quite an accomplished blogger and hope to be a pro-bloggin’-mom like you, “when I grow up”!
Ha, Barb, you’re too sweet! It took my 2 years to get where I’m at and I still haven’t gotten it all figured out. π We can always learn something new though right! If I had more time, I’d post even more. So much that I’ve learned along the way. π