We’re 3 weeks out from my Gastric Sleeve surgery. Things are going well. Pain is pretty much all gone. I still have some tightening in my stomach muscles but nothing big. I am still a bit tired still. I don’t think my body has really gotten use to the decrease in calories. But I’ll get there.
I’m still relying a lot on my ready to drink Medifast shakes and milk with added protein. I look in the refrigerator and there’s just not a lot that looks good to eat. So having those to rely on really helps.
I’m starting to try a few more foods. I still love mash potatoes with a little protein. That goes down really well. For new foods, I tried thinly sliced turkey lunch meet. YUM! I’m slow going with it but so far so good.
Only lost 4 lbs this week but I really should say only. Losing 4 lbs in a week is great. I just am not patient and would like to see it go down faster. I’m now fitting into those jeans that always fit before but after a little weight gain were too tight. So it’s good to fit into my smaller jeans but I’d love to be able to fit into even smaller jeans. It all takes time and I will get there.
So week 3 gastric sleeve results -4 lbs this week puts me at 226! YAY, I’m in the 220s!!
It is just cold in the house today and I’m exhausted so I think I’ll take pictures tomorrow.
Here’s to another great week of weight loss!
That’s GREAT!