Math is one of the toughest subjects for a lot of kids. Let’s face it, it’s not the most exciting thing in the world and it can be very hard to grasp the basic concepts. But it’s a vital life skill and children need to practice their math skills from a young age, so what can we do to help?

Image by tjevans from Pixabay
Like many things in life, education has been completely transformed by technology and this gives us some great opportunities for teaching math. These are some of the big benefits of using technology to teach math to young kids.
Make It Interactive
Kids learn best when they’re having fun, so making math more interactive is always a benefit. This can be anything from using technology to show them video clips on the subject, or by getting them to play games that target their skills and knowledge. When you simply try to explain a concept and show them with examples, it might not go in. But if you have a game that teaches them the concept as they go and then puts it into practice, they find it much easier to grasp.
Personalized Lessons For Each Child
When kids are in the classroom, it’s hard for teachers to give each child personal attention. But when you’re teaching math with technology, you can send them lessons that are personalized to their needs and abilities. All kids learn at different paces and this poses a big problem in the classroom. If things are moving too fast, some students will be left behind because they haven’t managed to understand the basic concepts before you start building on them. On the other hand, the students that are moving much faster than the rest of the class will quickly get bored and disengage. But there are some great learning apps that offer an adaptive math program, which is tailored to the specific child. Their performance in a lesson is measured and the next lesson is planned according to their ability and learning style. This is a far more effective way of teaching math and children will find it much easier to understand when things move at a pace they are comfortable with.
Connect Concepts To The Real World
Kids find it much easier to understand things when they can relate them to what they see. This is why using technology to teach math has such a big benefit. When you simply show them examples and images, they may not grasp the concept right away. But technology can be used to create videos that give real-world examples. For instance, you could make a video of a supermarket aisle with prices to help young children learn addition. When things are connected to everyday situations, children understand why it’s important and it’s grounded in reality, so the concepts do not seem as abstract.
Most children struggle with math and for some young people, it’s the hardest subject to get their head around. But by implementing technology, you can make it much easier for them.