Are you a SYW (Shop Your Way) Rewards member yet?
If you:
1. Love saving money!
2. Shop at KMart and/or Sears
Then, you need to be a SYW Rewards member. It’s just like any other store loyalty program… you just sign up and make sure to use your card when you make any purchases at Sears or KMart, in-store or on-line. That’s it! Then you start earning rewards, coupons and special offers.
Like this one!
SYW Members get $10 Back!
Members can also get coupons for Sears Oil Change for only $18.99!
If you’re not already a SYW rewards member, sign up now! Just click “Become a Client” below and you’ll get a member id and get set up with my husband Tim and I as your personal shoppers. (Which just means we’re at your disposal should you need great shopping ideas 😉 )