Keeping Up Summer Reading With!
One of my favorite things to do any time of the year is get lost in a great book. I love all types of books and consider my reading time “my time”. In the summer I love to bring a book with me to the beach, or even at home on the front porch while sipping my summer coffee. My love for reading is (thankfully) passed on to my children who all love to read as well.
In the summer I try to make sure the whole family is reading. We don’t want to let our minds go during the summer right!? So I always let the kids pick out some summer reading books of their choosing. has made picking out our summer reading books that much easier!
Have you heard of ThriftBooks?
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My oldest started a new series. We paid cover price for the first book at the store. Yikes!! I love to have him read but I could spend a fortune buying the whole series. Thankfully I found several books right on ThriftBooks. Saved me so much. The books are used but they are still in great shape. And for the price, love it!!
I also found a Tax book I had been looking for and a new Nicholas Sparks book for me. 😉
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.