So you’re doing this homeschool ‘thing’ and it’s been pretty straight forward so far. Then all of a sudden, you have a child in high school. GAH! Now what?
That’s where I was at last year. My oldest is now going into 10th grade. I’m one of those that needs things clear and uncomplicated. The idea of homeschooling my kids through high school freaks me out. 😀 But we’re going to tackle it head on.
Some of the biggest questions for me are 1. what classes/credits are required for graduation and 2. how on earth do I make a transcript??
Writing A High School Transcript
I’ve been homeschooling for 11 years now and I still feel like I’m a newbie. I’m so grateful for the wonderful tools available to help answer my questions.
For example, this eBook by Jenni and Jodi. It’s titled 7 Steps to Writing A High School Transcript. I was given the opportunity to review a copy and knowing that I had to tackle a transcript, I jumped at the chance.
This eBook is awesome! They have laid everything out and take you step by step through the transcript process. And of course, requirements will vary state to state but Jenni and Jodi provided links so you can look up your state specific guidelines.
In my opinion, they have gone above and beyond explaining how to write a high school transcript. They’ve also given us explanations and definitions of courses, credits, calculating a GPA and how to put together a high school portfolio.
This seriously puts my mind at ease and I feel so much better having this great tool to reference.
If you have a child in high school or plan on homeschooling through high school, I definitely recommend this eBook. It’s only $11.99 and is well worth it!
These are really great tips. I am sure a lot of people feel the same as you and just aren’t sure where to begin.
Oh my! I would be totally freaked out. But, this book sounds like it makes it super easy!
Oh my I don’t want to have to think about this! Glad I have a while – but this is great information!