When pregnant, we can end up with a bit of a baby brain. This is where we can forget little things. It’s understandable. Right now, you have a lot on your plate. Being pregnant is no easy thing to endure. So let’s make things a little easier for you. I thought I would share with you some of the most common things pregnant mamas can forget – specifically 11 Things You May Forget About During Your Pregnancy. So put your feet up, grab a cup of tea and let’s get started.

Image by sohyun park from Pixabay
Taking care of yourself
When pregnant it is so important for you to ensure that you take care of yourself. During the pregnancy but also after giving birth and those first few weeks. Your mental wellbeing is important. Regular check-ups and monitoring are crucial in ensuring your health and the baby’s development. Medical professionals rely on a high-resolution ultrasound transducer to provide detailed imaging, helping track fetal growth and detect potential concerns early. So here are some of the things you are likely to forget to think about, but could be useful to helping you feel better.
Treat yourself to some maternity clothes
Many pregnant women can actually forget that they will need some new clothes, and they make do with the ones they have for as long as possible. This can often mean that you feel uncomfortable in those jeans you are trying to stretch and also the tops that are being forced over your growing bump. You may want to think about treating yourself to some staple pieces that will see you through your entire pregnancy. A capsule wardrobe that has jeans, trousers, a shirt and a top along with a nice coat could be all you need to mix and match. There will be plenty of advice online if you are unsure of the best option to buy. After all, you won’t want to spend a fortune on clothes you will only wear for a matter of months. But having new clothes will help you to feel better and much more relaxed doing day to day activities.
Enjoy some pampering
We can all be a little guilty of expecting to just get on with things when we are pregnant. Many do have the opinion that it is no illness or disease, and so life must go on. While elements of that is true, we also have to understand that we are putting great pressures on our body during the months of pregnancy. Our body changes dramatically, not just in weight but also appearance and our mental health can be affected. This is when enjoying some pampering could really help. A pregnancy massage, getting your nails done or enjoying a nice pedicure. They can help to make you feel more normal while the hormones are raging.
The habits you need to change
Last of all, you may feel that certain things don’t need to change when you are pregnant, but actually, a lot of the habits that you may have had before pregnancy may need to be stopped or curbed all together. You may have enjoyed recreational activities, with vaping or even drugs before pregnant, so you may be concerned about smoking pot while pregnant or even things like drinking alcohol or smoking normal cigarettes. Thankfully, speaking to your health professionals or researching online will help you to get a better understanding of what habits you may need to change.

Image by BRUNA BRUNA from Pixabay
The products you may forget to buy
Often when you are pregnant you can forget some of the things that you can purchase to make life a little easier. Especially during those first few days when you are home. Here are some of the things you may forget about, but could make things better.
Where they will sleep
It can be difficult to imagine those newborn babies anywhere other than in your arms for cuddles. But at some point, mostly at night, they will need somewhere to sleep. While you may have considered a co-sleeping device or a moses basket, this isn’t where it ends. Most new mothers tend to forget about the bedding side of things. So make sure you get a Moses Basket Fitted Sheet and what they may need to keep them warm. You may want to consider things like swaddling blankets or sleeping bags. Don’t worry if you have forgotten this; it’s easily fixed.
Hats and Vests
You may have gone a little overboard with cute outfits. That’s totally what you should have done. But don’t forget to have a good supply hats and vests. You will never have enough vests and sleepsuits in your draws. The hats are a good thing to have during those first few weeks to make sure they stay warm. Even as adults you lose most of your bodily heat through your head.
A good supply of diapers
Any new mother won’t comprehend how many diapers they will need. So the best advice would be to stock up for those first few weeks. The chances are you will want to hibernate away during the first few days with your family. Which means you won’t want to be venturing to the shops to get more diapers in.
A changing mat
Would you be surprised to know that many new mothers forget a changing mat when purchasing new items for their baby? These things happen. You may have a changing station already set up in your new nursery. But try and have something that’s more portable. During those first few weeks, you will love the convenience of having things close by. You have to remember that you will be recovering from giving birth yourself, so make things as easy as you can on yourself.
A baby carrier or sling
You may want to consider trying baby wearing. So get a few essentials in to try. There are many different wraps out there and carriers so you might want to do a little research to see what would be right for you. Babywearing is a great way to keep your baby close while leaving your hands free to do other things.
A baby bath
Finally, while it may not be essential to some mothers, a baby bath can be something very useful. They can offer support for your baby. Bathing a baby can be quite overwhelming the first few times, so any help you can get you will appreciate.
I hope this may helps you with the things that can often be forgotten during pregnancy and those first few days.