Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels
Body modification has become more and more popular over the last few decades. There are many modifications that people can choose from, ranging from tattoos and piercings to implants.
This blog post will discuss body modification and what parents should educate their kids about before going under the needle or any needle-like object.
The Potential Side Effects
The potential side effects of tattoos are not always immediately apparent, so it is essential to do your research before picking the design. It’s also possible that you will see reactions in different areas of your body months or years after getting a tattoo because these tattoos can migrate as they heal.
Potential Dental Damage from Mouth Piercings
Piercing your tongue or lip can cause serious dental problems in the future. The metal used to insert these piercings will irritate sensitive teeth for years, leading to infections and cavities. So before getting one, ask yourself, Are Tooth Piercings safe?
The Hereditary Family Diseases That Might React with the Chemicals in Black Henna
Many people are unaware that black henna can cause severe allergic reactions because of the chemicals it contains. Red, orange, and yellow henna paint don’t include these harmful additives.
If you usually react badly to things like walnuts or strawberries, be especially careful if you choose to get a “tattoo” with black henna paste on your skin.
The Presence of Nickels in Piercings
Nickel is a metal that can cause unexplained rashes and skin irritations. Nickel-free jewelry is available for those with sensitive skin or allergies to the nickel in these items.
The procedures are not inherently wrong, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into before doing anything irreversible.
The Post-Body Modification Care Process
The post-body modification care process is vital to keep in mind when getting a body modification. After piercing, you should clean the area twice daily with soap and water for the first two weeks until the piercing heals.
Doing this will prevent infections from forming. However, Tattoos put on top of existing tattoos can cause illness or skin discoloration, therefore, ensure you take utmost care.
The Potential Side Effects of Implants
Implants are permanent body modifications. They are often worn for aesthetic purposes to enhance the size or shape of a woman’s breasts, buttocks, chin, or lips. Still, they can also get used as an aid in reconstructive surgical procedures following mastectomy for breast cancer patients.
The potential side effects of implants include infection and implant failure – the implant can shift or move within the body. Implants are of materials like silicone, saline, and other metals. Silicone implants may leak over time – with leaking being more likely in women who have had multiple pregnancies or breastfed their children.
Implants should be checked periodically by a doctor for signs of infection, pain, and any changes to their appearance. Never consider implants a replacement for corrective surgery if an underlying deformity such as breast asymmetry or ptosis (sagging). Women considering implants should talk to their doctor about the risks and benefits of this type of procedure.
In conclusion, before getting any body modification, parents should educate their children about the procedure’s potential side effects and show them examples of what is possible.